World-class LiveCode software development, analysis, training, problem solving, and best practices for excellence in coding.
Ready to make an app? Design a game? Crunch a bunch of data?
Become fluent in LiveCode? Let's get started!
"You’ve been great to work with. I appreciate your very low bug rate!"
"It's fun to work with you!"
"Curry is an amazing developer."
"I really like your model for how you return data."
Settle for nothing less!
Innovative, practical-perfectionist development methods designed specifically around LiveCode with paranoid attention to details and challenges. I take every line of script seriously.
Whether you bring new ideas or existing code, I will bring the critique and discipline of efficiency through simplification, rock-solid logic, and modular code organization optimized for LiveCode.
It’s my pleasure to nurture your DREAMS
and make them REALITY.
Clients bring the most wonderful ideas and needs. From drawing board to app store and beyond, I’m there to make your app happen. Imagine the best software, and let’s make it even better.
Apps don’t happen in a vacuum. Clients know they can rely on my analytical skills and broad range of studies and endeavors for guidance on practically anything and everything involved in software and subject matter.
Don't just go through the motions.
Become FLUENT with LiveCode.
The sad truth is that many "educational" efforts are academically misguided and factually inaccurate. If you're looking for the real thing - actual well-grounded LiveCode instruction - congratulations; you've found it!
I can teach or co-develop to empower those who desire a more intimate hands-on experience with their software. My methods are unique and highly effective, built on established principles of learning and taken a few steps further. You won’t find anything else like it.
Been there, done that.
Ready to take the next LEAP!
With almost 20 years specializing in Runtime Revolution and LiveCode after computer science education and software publishing experience, I’ve worked with so many aspects of this powerful development tool, and I've pioneered some of the most efficient ways to leverage its unique strengths.
Whether it’s game dynamics, text display or manipulation, image analysis, pseudo recursion, special calculations, data crunching, algorithms, or simply amazing interface and app features, I consistently push LiveCode to its limits. I’m also proud to be the go-to guy for binary and XML file formats, including my addons for Microsoft Office formats.
Proud to be the best AND charge less.
When the experts need an expert, they come to me. I've pioneered many LiveCode methods and developed ways to maximize its strengths. In the world of LiveCode consulting and development, Curry K. is second to none.
But I welcome everyone who strives for excellence in software, regardless of budget or size. My services are hourly and very transparent. You truly get the best, for less.
Whether your project is gigantic or tiny, I'm always happy to help!
Love LC 9? Still using 4.6 or 6.7?
Need to UPDATE a project?
No problem; I love ’em all. If you have an app that’s celebrating its 12th birthday and needs a few new features, bring it.
I’m well-known for my debugging prowess and eagle eyes for errors, and my special techniques minimize side effects when editing complex existing products.
If you’re planning an app that will use features LiveCode doesn’t even have yet, bring that too and together we’ll create the future.
Old or new, LiveCode is ALL I do. I'm the only consultant I know who is 100% specialized in LC development and training.
"I've just had a look around it and it's fantastic matey!"
"I see an improvment in only 24 hrs"
"WordReport Saved My Job."
"The second graders enjoyed the game so much"
From user interface issues to learning mechanisms, from communication and customer personalities to human cultures, public relations, strategy, and media. From sports to handicaps, from science to games, from business to charity, from general interests to the most specialized fields and obscure topics.
Whatever it takes to think through your app and build into your product, I’m on it. And if you need help with making written materials come alive for your audience, I will chop any difficulties into tiny quivering pieces and cremate the remains.
Contact me today: I’m always at your service at (954) 800-8883 or infoⓐ From an English and Scots-Irish lineage, raised in big Texas, I spent much of my life in Missouri, with some memorable time overseas in Asia, and recently relocated to Florida to maximize year-round coding capacity. I work with people around the USA and around the world.
Ready to make the best software ever? Take my hand and let’s jump right into the heart of your project!